- 00:19:07: @ShannonKButcher Not for long! :D
- 01:16:52: @Uilos Well done! Soon, he shall know the error of his ways.
- 01:26:50: @mightykatemusic Neither rain nor snow nor heat nor gloom of night stays me or my friends from attending your gig!
- 01:29:43: @fredhicks How is it that seeing her all statted up like that makes me love Parker even MORE?
- 10:46:57: @ksmccarthy24 Oh, man. If you think those airports are awful, try DFW. The airport covers 30 sq mi, compared to LAX’s 5 and PHX’s 4.7.
- 10:59:30: @underthebutton @stephanieyee I’m amazed so few people use the DRL elevator. Saved my life!
- 11:14:47: @Uilos *is smug* You’re welcome!
- 11:18:36: @jbkuma http://features.cgsociety.org/story_custom.php?story_id=4950
- 11:32:26: RT @ACLU: Blog of Rights: We Interrupt Your Regularly-Scheduled Health Care Debate for A Victory Message o.. http://bit.ly/5Xtw4D
- 11:52:05: Rob just entered the room, carrying a puppy in each arm! The world is good.
- 12:53:10: @AnneSowards The next Mercy Thompson?
- 14:16:42: via @OKBJGM: Jack Bauer Interrogates Santa Claus! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tp19qiash2U
- 14:52:43: My tummy is full of roast pork, rice, and beans. The CellieBelly is appeased! …for now. :D
- 16:54:50: RT @xiehicks, @fredhicks: Well, *that* just about sums up anything I might have to say about the climate debate. http://bit.ly/7NSC2e
- 17:06:25: @ksmccarthy24 YAYFUN! You must livetweet the journey. <3
- 18:41:27: Coworkers gathered around a computer, teaching themselves how to tie Double Windsors on YouTube. What did people do before the internet?
- 18:42:02: The company Holiday Party approacheth!
- 18:57:11: @ksmccarthy24 …There’s a kickline?
- 19:51:05: RT @Dark_Puck: RT: @cleolinda: RT @io9: When Will White People Stop Making Movies Like “Avatar”? http://io9.com/5422666/ #rant #analysis
- 19:53:10: @Dark_Puck I’ll see your potential Dresden reference and raise you a definite one! http://www.reallifecomics.com/archive/070927.html
- 19:54:14: @ksmccarthy24 Kat = made of awesome!
- 19:55:40: @ksmccarthy24 Coming up on the city, Katness?
- 20:22:22: @lookupwards That’s awesome! Congrats!
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