From Twitter 11-26-2009

  • 00:17:52: @terioncalling I look forward to the running commentary!
  • 00:19:37: Still waiting for someone to get the “Rubicus River” joke.
  • 00:30:03: @ksmccarthy24 Someone other than one of my close friends who saw the map early. :D
  • 00:33:48: RT @mental_floss: Be thankful you don’t work for one of these people. ‘6 Tyrannical Bosses Far Worse Than Yours’ —
  • 00:35:29: @ksmccarthy24 Oh, I know! Your meaning was clear. Perhaps I should be the one going to bed!
  • 00:59:23: @SheckyX *curious headtilt* Which post are you replying to?
  • 01:23:11: Went on clothes shopping spree with Mom today. Economy: saved! You’re welcome, America.
  • 01:37:42: Post-First-Cavity Resolution: Start flossing like a NINJA.
  • 02:00:48: @Dark_Puck OMG YES. Can I share your canon?
  • 09:01:51: May you and your loved ones have a cozy, relaxing, gastronomically rapturous Thanksgiving!
  • 09:11:40: @longshotauthor The laptop is off-limits today, unless you and the fam are destroying alien lizard nazi vampires together! Happy Turkey Day!
  • 09:14:44: @SheckyX The joke doesn’t have that many dimensions. It’s a point of no going back for Gaius, Bernard, and Amara, and a declaration of war.
  • 09:22:40: Off to run in the Turkey Trot 5k with my dad and sister! It’s a family tradition. What are yours?
  • 12:34:15: As always, the “fun run” was more a parade of dogs and baby strollers, but I had a good time with my dad and sister! Now, we gorge!
  • 13:24:00: @mkcho73 No, alas! I set it out to stick in my carry-on bag Tuesday morning, but I accidentally left it on the kitchen counter. D:
  • 13:31:16: @devilbunnyart Oh, yum! I do a great Peach GInger Pie, but I’ve never tried pear and ginger together. We’ll have to exchange recipes!
  • 13:39:49: @beatonna New Yorkers are simultaneously the rudest and nicest people on the planet. I love my demented city.
  • 16:28:15: Finally watching Monday’s “Castle.” Whee, Regina Spektor!
  • 16:40:40: Is that Principal Wood on “Castle”? *checks IMDB* Neat!
  • 21:29:07: @ksmccarthy24 “The Calculation” is playing when Castle is making Alexis her lunch. Good song, though not really fitting for the scene. :D
  • 21:30:30: @ShannonKButcher Holy shamoley! You’d need a bigger gaming table.
  • 22:29:03: You know how in the first X-Men movie, the Senator mutates into a big, amorphous jellyfish thing that pops and dies? Yeah. Good leftovers.
  • 22:33:37: @beachkid Seven huh? Maybe you could write Harry/Kumori instead. Or Helen Beckitt/Korrick the Centaur… Um. How much is therapy again?
  • 22:44:20: @beachkid List of what? H/K ficbunnies?
  • 23:26:45: @ShipLizard More H: Hope and Harry Carpenter, Agent Roger Harris, Agatha Hagglethorn, Hamerhands, He Who Walks Behind, and Harley MacFinn.
  • 23:27:04: @ShipLizard More K: Kim Delaney, Kalshazzak (toad demon), Klaus Schneider. I feel unclean now.
  • 23:42:44: My room is freezing. Cold makes me sleepy. You have betaing to do, Priscilla, plus reading and writing! You’re not going to sleep before 10!
  • 23:53:03: Got great idea for 2nd Priority Fic, but decided I hated idea for 1st Priority Fic. Feh. The muse giveth and the muse taketh away.
  • 23:53:50: @ksmccarthy24 @SheckyX Cold makes me want to curl up in something warm and hibernate.

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