- 00:25:41: @devilbunnyart Ooh, I can’t wait to see the new pieces! Your other work for the game has been jaw-drop-worthy.
- 00:32:17: @RockyShields Every time I think it’s sunk in, something else will occur to me and I’ll realize it hasn’t at all!
- 00:37:12: Potential aquatic life on Europa! http://tinyurl.com/y97zam9 (h/t @Esperacchius)
- 01:02:22: RT @mental_floss: Picasso was held, questioned & released in 1911 for suspected role in theft of Mona Lisa, which turned up months later.
- 02:41:56: @BrandonSandrson The fans demand pictures!
- 02:42:34: RT @Uilos: Tim Burton exhibition at MoMa, who is with me? http://www.moma.org/visit/calendar/exhibitions/313 // I AM SOOOOOO THERE.
- 12:03:55: After explaining betaing: Coworker: Will you read my JurassicPark slashfiction? Me: Is it velociraptor/dilophosaurus? Because that’s my OTP.
- 12:07:13: @ksmccarthy24 It’s GLEEPY!
- 12:12:59: @mightykatemusic Thank goodness! Take care of yourself!
- 12:22:41: @spodalicious Woohoo! New York Public Library, FTW!
- 12:55:15: http://twitpic.com/q8q7j – Sweet! Box of FLF comp copies just arrived. Thanks, @AnneSowards!
- 18:51:37: Impromptu hacky sack game in Character Land!
- 19:33:37: Impromptu group-sing of “Take On Me”! Strive for that high note, boys!
- 19:34:39: @ShannonKButcher Vengeance Chicken — served with Schadenfreude Pie? http://whatever.scalzi.com/2006/09/26/how-to-make-a-schadenfreude-pie/
- 20:15:20: Off to birthday shenanigans!
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