- 02:27:32: @Uilos Only if I get to be lowered from the rafters in a harness! And if can I wear the Maeve wig. :D
- 03:13:48: Finished @BrandonSandrson’s “Warbreaker,” and it was excellent! Took me a while to get into it, but after that, I couldn’t put it down.
- 03:14:47: @CapricaSeven Good word! Was it you who added “zoeae” to my Scrabble vocabulary?
- 03:22:37: D’oh! Just realized I accidentally left dinner leftovers at the Vampire Cowboys theatre. RIP, John Shanghai pork buns and veggie chow fun.
- 11:07:30: @Badthorn I’ve heard great things about @Leverus’ “The Magicians.” It’s high on my To-Read List, too.
- 11:41:30: RT @Dark_Puck, @foresthouse: New LJ Entry: Copyright and Fair Use: UR DOIN’ IT WRONG (And How To Do It Right) http://tinyurl.com/yep7fug
- 11:44:50: @CUnderkoffler In the land of happy little trees, where the animals of the forest like to romp around and have fun.
- 11:47:30: @jimsissy Michael Bay wept angry, jealous tears when he read the climax of “First Lord’s Fury.”
- 12:27:32: Cheered by @BrandonSandrson seeing his books in the DFW airport. I’m flying home on FLF day–wonder if my map will be in airport bookstores?
- 12:29:18: RT @factlets: Statistics show that making abortion a crime does not lower the abortion rate. Economist chart: http://tw2t.com/gF1
- 13:35:23: RT @nprnews: Terra Cotta Warriors March Through Washington http://su.pr/2LlUEZ // Augh! Somebody call @OKBJGM and @NatalieMorales!
- 14:45:56: @featherjean The rules of punctuation marks’ placement with regard to quotation marks are explained here: http://bit.ly/151hur
- 14:51:01: @jimsissy *checks the page* The winner gets to be harassed by the mailman?
- 14:51:21: @featherjean What’s the sentence?
- 17:24:32: Seriously, Hulu? You describe Stephen Fry as “‘Bones’ guest star”? America, you fail.
- 18:32:03: @mightykatemusic I am so jazzed. The 23rd is my birthday, so I’m dragging a bunch of friends to the concert to celebrate. More converts!
- 18:41:41: @travelingheidi Exactly. He’s had so many extraordinary roles! Amazed Hulu felt America would best know him from some dinky guest spot.
- 18:43:35: Definitely going for the TiVo. Currently researching models and retailers, so I can tell my parents what I want for my birthday/XMas. :D
- 21:26:28: Woohoo, at the Doctor Who New York meetup to see “The Waters of Mars”! Speak to me, David Tennant’s hair!
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