From Twitter 11-11-2009

  • 00:38:53: @BrandonSandrson D’oh! I recced the series to Jim, and he said he’d check it out, but the autographed copy was going to be a surprise. :D
  • 00:39:37: @BrandonSandrson Ah, well. Surprise, Jim! It should arrive in 2-3 business days! :D
  • 00:43:39: Had a blast at the rebounder class with @spodalicious. After a thorough trouncing, we basked in the sauna and were generally decadent.
  • 10:25:23: Sweet! Was just given a Google Wave invite. Thanks, Paris! Looking forward to exploring…
  • 15:56:24: Intimidating drum beats coming from parade downstairs. Feel like horde of orcs should be chanting “GROND! GROND!”
  • 18:34:51: Best error message at my company ever: Could not find initial GOD.
  • 23:58:49: Hey, @LongshotAuthor fans! Pre-order a signed copy of “First Lord’s Fury” from Dog Eared Books:

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