- 12:24:33: SWEET! Delivery Week: 100+ NY restaurants offering 3-course lunches for $12.09 and dinners for $20.09 on Seamless. http://bit.ly/4FD3KH
- 12:44:34: ASFDFJKSHLAS just re-whapped my elbow against my desk. Not very hard, but… ye gods, that smarts.
- 15:34:11: I got to threaten a coworker with a plastic fork today! I believe I saw genuine fear in his eyes.
- 17:06:13: One of my coworkers coughs like a Muppet.
- 17:39:23: D’oh, forgot to mention I uploaded more Katy Pfaffl awesomeness from last night: http://bit.ly/1gKPsA
- 18:44:02: More glorious batshittery from the MGTOW — now color-coded for your woman-hating convenience! http://bit.ly/1U6P8C
- 18:49:47: RT @jbkuma, @newscientist Time-travelling Higgs sabotages the LHC. ‘Unmitigated BS’ or a reasonable hypothesis? http://bit.ly/7mqIc
- 18:51:01: Is that what you were talking about last night with the “Higgs Thingy”, @fourteenacross?
- 18:54:15: @rdonoghue Contagonistic?
- 19:03:52: RT @Discovery: RT @Discovery_News: New da Vinci painting may have been discovered thanks to a centuries-old fingerprint. http://ow.ly/upkx
- 22:40:39: RT @Dark_Puck: http://rockartbrewery.com/ And thus the corporations go after a small-business owner for no reason other than they can.
- 22:50:59: @spodalicious I read the book when I was ikkle and wee, but I haven’t returned to it since. Don’t remember much.
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