- 00:00:36: I keep sneezing, and my abs still hurt from Rabid Vamps. Blaaaaaaarg.
- 00:03:31: RT @whedonesque: Nathan Fillion visits the Apple Store in New York City. http://bit.ly/1InSAQ // For those like me who missed it…
- 07:44:42: @Uilos Yes. And “Leverage” is made of awesome. Which episode(s) did you see?
- 07:46:10: Feh. Trying to decide if I’m sick enough to stay home from work. Mind is still active and alert, but body is a teeming cesspool of germs.
- 07:46:37: @ksmccarthy24 Wonderful! Can you use it in a sentence?
- 07:57:37: RT @NathanFillion: Vote to help KNTR win up to $10,000! Listed as The Kids Need to Read Foundation. http://tinyurl.com/mdar49 // I voted!
- 08:36:30: Decided to stay home, as not to spread my deathplague to others.
- 10:04:55: Happy Birthday, @Dark_Puck ! *glompschnoogles*
- 12:48:11: New symptom: Headache. Looooovely.
- 13:16:49: Tempted to go back to sleep, to escape my wretchedness. As I wrestle with indecision, I shall unload Joss pics from my camera.
- 14:03:06: @holajupiter YAY! My friend is not going to die a bone-crushingly painful death! *huggleglomps*
- 14:09:06: @ShannonKButcher It’s probably out of concern for his audiobook fans. Marsters reading the sex scene in DM = global underwear combustion.
- 14:12:29: @psychwrites CANNIBALS.
- 19:26:02: Wow. Guess I needed more sleep than I thought.
- 19:37:36: @ksmccarthy24 Woe! I’m sorry! *feeds you chicken soup and Blessing of the Night*
- 20:50:43: @AnnLarimer SUPERCROTCH!
- 21:43:28: @ShipLizard Oh, man, I just laughed so hard I felt a little nauseous. XD This has been added to my crackfanon.
- 21:46:32: Feeling tired and headachy again. And here I was worried I’d have trouble falling asleep! May turn in after Project Runway.
- 21:51:29: Got the First Lord’s Fury sample chapters from @LongshotAuthor. You guys are going to be over the MOON! Prologue goes up Tues.
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