- 00:00:18: Had fantastic time at Doctor Horrible! Ran into about 20 people I knew, if not more. Shall upload videos and photos soon!
- 00:24:19: @jbkuma Seriously. I worked my tail off for my 1480. Now that just sounds pathetic.
- 00:37:54: @beachkid I fail to see the problem. *halo*
- 07:30:16: Oh my dear and fluffy lord, how am I still in as much pain as yesterday?
- 07:33:25: Dreamed Jim told me he was using my joke about dads. “What joke about dads?” I thought. He turned into one of my coworkers, and it repeated.
- 07:36:25: RT @DerekRuiz: hahah http://bit.ly/1840pl // Guaranteed sexual assault prevention tips. I approve!
- 08:43:38: Good grief. Every day this week is going to feel like Friday, isn’t it?
- 09:30:24: RT @NotableNYC: it’s CUPCAKE WEEK! Buy cupcakes this week and help kids with cancer!! http://bit.ly/mzsxN
- 09:32:25: @tomlenk “Otorhinolaryngologist” was a running joke in a high school friend’s comic. It’s still one of my favourite words!
- 09:36:23: @ksmccarthy24 Win! Reminds me of Castle’s mom’s speech last season about awesome clothing. Can’t wait to steal time to watch the premiere!
- 10:05:45: RT @viennateng: Special concert packages avail for late NY & early SF shows. http://bit.ly/2LYEp // Just got my ticket! Can’t wait!
- 11:07:08: @beachkid I hope you’re not blaming Molly for something Harry told her to do? It’s majorly icky, but I don’t put that on her.
- 11:36:54: @beachkid Ah, gotcha. Next step in the slippery slope, then? Yeah, you’re right. It’s pretty icky in retrospect…
- 12:22:03: @beachkid OH! When you were talking about consent originally, I thought you meant Blanche. I was like “…um. She was dead?”
- 12:24:02: @beachkid Yeah, the male gaze was creepy as all get-out. And as the icing on top, Molly learns that compromising oneself for a case = GOOD!
- 12:29:56: @beachkid OH MY DEAR SWEET JESUS TAKE IT AWAY
- 15:28:08: Urgh, my abs. It hurts to sneeze!
- 15:54:46: RT nprnews Activists Thrilled That Empire State Will Glow Green As Ahmadinejad Is In NYC http://su.pr/4XdkkF
- 16:03:29: I uploaded a bunch of videos from last night’s Joss Whedon Q&A to YouTube. Start here: http://bit.ly/GdXAa The rest are in my profile.
- 17:09:52: RT @jbkuma: Who’s looking out for Big Insurance? New video from @MoveOn, Will Ferrell about poor, misunderstood execs. http://bit.ly/g3c6F
- 22:09:04: How did I end up the only person left at the office AGAIN? To be fair, I didn’t work last night, but… yeesh.
- 22:10:39: Tasked with making a doll. Realized that it looked a little like Neil Patrick Harris. Deliberately played up said resemblance. Muahahaha.
- 22:27:04: RT @SmartBitches: Shoot me now: “Wuthering Bites” Retelling with Heathcliff as vampire. Puppykilling assmonkey is never enough. Btw 50-99k
- 22:28:29: @fredhicks @xiehicks Have a wonderful time with the n00b!
- 22:45:39: It’s funny when your computer does that spazzy broken record-style freezing when you have Regina Spektor’s “Edit” playing.
- 22:50:53: Fact: It took me three months to realize I had a scratch on my copy of Ingrid Michaelson’s “Girls and Boys” during “Breakable.”
- 22:54:53: RT @Dark_Puck http://bit.ly/q3MPM // I need that on a throw pillow! It would perfectly match the Blue Sun travel posters decorating my room.
- 23:02:07: @Dark_Puck *empathetic snuggles*
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