From Twitter 09-21-2009

  • 08:15:14: @ksmccarthy24 Welcome back, m’love! I prescribe lots of @jonathancoulton music to alleviate the whole zombie thing.
  • 08:26:35: @ksmccarthy24 F’reals. I’ve *written* Harry/Luccio, and “The Other Son” has very pro-Harry/Susan moments. I see only respect from H/Kers.
  • 11:14:42: @ksmccarthy24 On 2nd thought, there’s a vocal anti-Susan thread on the forum, fueled by the opening of “Changes.” It’s not H/Kers, though.
  • 11:40:56: Totally geeking out over @beatonna plug in today’s XKCD. A perfect storm of comics nerdery!
  • 12:05:04: Today’s WOTD: Manichean. Worry that I’m getting a bit esoteric, though. (Ooh, “esoteric”!)
  • 13:37:03: @ShannonKButcher You are a cruel mistress, harsh but fair!
  • 13:53:03: @ShannonKButcher *laughs* I was referring to your authorial torture, justified by promise of nookie. :D
  • 13:53:39: @ShannonKButcher I concur! Ability to cook is a HUGE plus in the Boyfriend Handbook.
  • 14:08:27: @ShannonKButcher I am innocent! You misperceived my original tweet! This is why god invented the “in reply to” function. :D
  • 15:10:01: A better video of Doctor Horrible hijacking the Emmys: (thanks @Jamie1km)
  • 15:34:53: @NathanFillion Leaving us already? I would’ve bet money you’d be at Joss’ Sing-Along Q&A tonight. Hope you enjoy yourself wherever you are!
  • 15:52:35: @gypsyjr Woohoo, congrats!
  • 16:08:41: Just took five minutes to streeeeeeeeeeeeetch. Mmm, hair of the dog. No longer feel quite as geriatric.
  • 16:10:18: RT @threadless Goodbye summer, HELLO #ZIPTEMBER! All @threadless hoodies only $30 all week! (please RT for a chance to win one!) // Woo!
  • 16:37:39: RT @USA_Network: What a guy! Walk-On Role on Burn Notice w/Jeffrey Donovan Goes for $36,000 (and a Kiss)! @BurnNoticeUSA
  • 16:38:52: @laughingsquid Ha, I wondered why some dude at Grand Central was handing out free copies of the Post!
  • 17:31:52: Woe! The next Improv Everywhere event conflicts with Rabid Vamps! Hope everyone that can attend has fun.
  • 17:44:57: Man, this mini-cupcake is obscene. Two kinds of mint frosting with mini-kisses, chocolate cake, and a gooey fudge center. Happy B-Day, K!

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