Twitter Driveby

  • 08:01 @fourteenacross Looks like rain on Saturday. Are you considering moving it to Sunday? #
  • 08:03 @Esperacchius Sleep well, sleep right! #
  • 08:08 @beachkid I would totally participate! #
  • 08:11 @beachkid I also want a "Let’s write Alera fic before the series ends, because there are THREE fics in existence and that’s lame" ficathon. #
  • 11:15 @whedonesque Favourite non-Joss show? Pushing Daisies! *shakes fist at the gods* #
  • 18:17 @Jamie1km At least you’ll be safe from the zombie invasion! #
  • 18:19 @Esperacchius YE-HAW! You’ll be brilliant! #
  • 18:21 *laughs* I was right! Google Wave’s name WAS inspired by Firefly! #
  • 18:35 Considering a new system: rank priority of character requests by the number of grammatical errors they contain. It’s about standards, guys. #
  • 18:50 @CBSisSlayer730 Oh, man. "The Phantom Tollbooth" was my favourite book as a kid. Enjoy! #

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