Twitter Driveby

  • 12:27 Just listed myself in the local Twitter directory in ZIP 10009 #
  • 12:59 @Esperacchius Lucky! You already saw the 50 mins at NYCC, right? #
  • 19:53 @mkcho73 I seem to recall a tasty Mexican place a few doors down from the Prospect Park subway exit… #
  • 23:40 The "Turn Coat" release party is starting now in Chicago! Can’t wait to see the forum folks’ heads explode tomorrow. #
  • 23:42 I wonder if Jim is spilling the beans about the opening of bk 12 tonight. I’ve been sitting on that agonizing knowledge for a year now… #
  • 23:43 BOOYEAH! Goin’ to see Eddie Izzard on Wednesday with @Uilos and @epicFlail! #
  • 23:56 RT @fredhicks – New Butcher Block podcast: #

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