OH, NOT ON! Veronica Mars and House are back to being in the same timeslot, 9/8C. And I don’t think Gregory House (I’m sorry, I will never get over that dorm’s name) is hosting Veronica Mars viewing parties anymore. Booooooo, network programmers! House was fine at 8 EST!

Edit: W00t! Gregory House is (fittingly) holding House parties this year!

And Heroes, bwee! OMG, Nikki and Micah had a smoosh-faced Wonderfalls lion! Oh, Bryan Fuller, so much love!

Quote of the Day:

“Rowaarghgently boat ouchgentlydoon boat boat boatiddley boat stream boatlymerrily boatarrgh . . . CRIVENnnnnns!”

–From Wintersmith

It’s so weird how many fannish things I’ve taken in recently reference “Sleeping Beauty.” There’s “Something Borrowed” and “Wintersmith,” and I was tickled that in last week’s episode of Heroes, Cheerleader Girl “woke up” from the seemingly dead after a “splinter” was removed from her body, just like in the old, pre-kiss versions of the story.

Well, not “just like.” Briar Rose hadn’t been autopsied, though she’d certainly been violated, and the “splinter” was in her finger, as opposed to a sapling in her neck, but whatever. The analogy holds. Yes, it does. Shut up.

Ah, my fairy tales class has eaten my brain, but in a good way. :D

P.S. Fishbiscuit Rap! And Tom from the Bob and Tom show pranks a telemarketer.

Studio 60, what kinda crack you smoking? In the Commedia dell’arte, Pantaleone was the old miserly character: deep-voiced and flatulent, hunchbacked, rude, and bossy. That girl was totally not doing Pantaleone.

There is something deeply wrong with me that I know this. But even though his grasp of the Commedia sucks, Aaron Sorkin is still awesome. Studio 60 love!

Heroes was great, and I love Hiro to bits. Also, that girl Mohinder is with is totally a plant.

The less said about yesterday, the better. It certainly wasn’t a bad day, but it was just peppered by a series of tiny disappointments, mitigated with enough happy that I don’t feel justified in complaining, but which still really bug me.

CollegeBoxes is giving me the distinct impression that they’re never going to find my stuff. It isn’t dire, as practically everything I have identified as missing is replaceable, except for the Paul Kidby “Discworld Family Values” poster, autographed by Pterry himself. I’ll just have to hope he comes back through Philly to promote Unseen Academicals or whatever comes next, as it’s definitely not on the list for the Wintersmith tour.

My Physics professor, for some inexplicable reason, rescheduled our final exam for two hours after I was supposed to fly home for Christmas. I hope I can find a flight to replace it.

The Digital Figure Modeling class was cancelled, so I can’t do my Independent Study. I’ll try again in the Spring.

Looking over my CPG for something to replace said Independent Study, I realized that I’m still missing a Math elective, whereas I thought last semester would be my last Math class. Joy.

Though on the bright side, I won a promo code to download the Heroes pilot, and I just heard about Pan’s Labyrinth, which looks totally awesome. And my booxes of books finally arrived, plus two of my course books from Amazon, which is being unusually slow for some reason.

The Heroes pilot was supposed to to up on iTunes yesterday, yet I can’t find it anywhere. Has anyone else had any luck?