
India’s poor urged to ‘eat rats’

And an even more brain-injuring political move: A McCain advisor seeks to solve the health care crisis through semantics. I did a double-take, convinced I was reading an Onion analogue.

Illustrating and cartooning blog Drawn! posts some excellent Ronald Searlerelated links! So much love for Ronald Searle! Anyone that hasn’t read Molesworth is missing out on something extraordinary.

Aaron Sorkin writing movie about Facebook. My face looks like this: o_O?

Biden: “Think About It”

Chris Crocker’s soulmate in an angry rant against the Twilight haters

Last night, I dreamed that Obama had polio, but he still managed to win Dancing With the Stars.

WTF, brain.

Anyway, today continues my Unending Work Week Streak. I’ve had one day off since Memorial Day, and I’ll be working both today and tomorrow and all through next week. Hopefully I’ll get next weekend off. Why did my job have to wait until I had a boyfriend to get crazy?

A massive linkspam for you!

X-Files 2 teaser from WonderCon!

Photos That Look Photoshopped But Aren’t

Hilarious Science Fair Experiments

Robot does interpretive dance of your dreams

Fifteen Reasons Mister Rogers Was The Best Neighbor Ever

An awesome stop-motion animation for Shakespeare fans: Next! How many plays can you identify?

Best Fandomsecret Ever (thanks, Puck!)

Coraline teaser! The same as the one we saw before, except this one wasn’t filmed by a handheld camera in a 3D theatre.

Silly and awesome: Record Sleeve and Money Portraits

Windows 98 Jam — a piece of music made using only default sounds from Windows 98.

Sarah Silverman : Matt Damon :: Jimmy Kimmel : Ben Affleck

Metaquotes: Using fandom to explain Democratic presidential candidates

And in other news…

Puck: …oh, gods.
Puck: There are gonna be movies for Monopoly, Candyland, Battleship, and Ouija.
Me: …those were jokes, hon.
Puck: you’re sure?
Me: …whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut
Puck: Actually, if they do Candyland like a cartoon movie for kids, it might not be that bad. The other ones scare me.
Me: Yes. Though Monopoly, if done in a completely serious, reinvent-the-wheel-taking-the-basic-concept could be potentially interesting. In a “Codex Alera was based on Pokemon” kind of way.
Puck: Well, it worked for POTC.
Puck: ….and failed miserably for Haunted Mansion.
Puck: So there you go.
Me: Yup. And The Country Bears.
Puck: *fingers in ears* LA LA LA THAT DOESN’T EXIST
Me: I can imagine an evil, Machiavellian Monopoly man cackling with glee as he puts people though a sinister game that will make them filthy rich or render them absolutely destitute and possibly imprisoned.
Me: Like a TV game show with TEETH.
Puck: Oujia might work as a cheesy horror flick.
Puck: Otherwise it’ll be ninety minutes back and forth of “You’re moving it!” “No, I’m not!” “Stop moving it!” “I’m not!”
Me: XD
Me: …Jumanji was lots of fun!
Puck: Yes!
Puck: Yes it was!
Puck: Also Clue!
Me: Yes!
Me: Good point
Puck: But Jumanji had Robin Williams. And Clue had Tim Curry.
Me: Yes. And PotC had Johnny Depp.
Me: Wilford Brimley for Monopoly Man, Y/Y?
Puck: But Haunted Mansion had Eddie Murphy AND Wallace Shawn and still was made of fail.
Puck: And Y
Me: I like my Monopoly idea. It’s like “The Most Dangerous Game,” except with finance.
Puck: So of course Hollywood will make it fail.
Me: Of course. XD

My god, do I have some flashing neon sign above my head saying “CRAZY PEOPLE, TALK TO ME!”

So this woman randomly approaches me and asks me if I speak Spanish. I told her no. She then proceeded to sit down next to me and tell me about this masterpiece poem she wrote this afternoon, blathering for like fifteen minutes before RECITING THE ENTIRE POEM IN SPANISH FROM MEMORY, looking at me as if she expected me to tell her how much it had moved me and how it is truly the masterpiece she lauded it to be.

I made comments like “I wish I knew Spanish” and “I don’t know Spanish, but it sounds beautiful to my ear,” but SHE KEPT TALKING. Then she continued to talk, telling me about this poetry recitation club she belonged to and her experience with awful New York hospitals, then recited ANOTHER POEM IN SPANISH. All in all, she must have talked to me for thirty minutes. I need to figure out a polite way of telling people “GO AWAY.”