I can’t believe I’m writing Crucible fanfic…
Crud. I left Chloe off, too.
Holy cow! Despite reminding myself about 50 times, I forgot to put Sannali on “Who’s Who”. Doy. Gah, today I’ll make a list of all the people I left off the list and update it tonight when I get home from school. Huge apologies, Sannali, dear.
Stuff I wanted to post yesterday but couldn’t because blogger was being evil :
1. I finally found a bunch of images that had been deleted from tnm.n when I accidentally lost most of the site a month ago. You should find far fewer broken images in my archives now. And on Renata’s inspiration, I’m redoing my “Who’s Who” page. I think I’ll steal her format, too. You don’t mind, do you? ::huge, pleading, watery eyes::
2. Meanwhile, here’s the “Amusing Piece of Junkmail of the Whenever”
3. Woo! Rent fanart! (1, 2) I didn’t even think that existed! And really GOOD Rent fanart, at that! Mark’s hairstyle worrys me, though.
4. My new “Who’s Who” listing is complete! Muaha!
Stolen from Rebecca G, who in turn filched it from Rebecca M. Convenient.
Take the Corporate Mascot Test at Willaston’s Lounge!
Today was fairly boring. Of course, I have no right to complain, as I didn’t make any real effort to alleviate this boredom. Still, I feel like being testy and cynical, so I guess that’s what I’ll write about. Here’s what happened:
- Woke up. Felt refreshed.
- Ate leftover quesadillas
- Cleaned a little, got bored. Stopped cleaning.
- Took a very long bath/shower. Got yelled at by mother, because she wanted to go to lunch.
- Went with parents to purchase a Christmas tree. Found a good one. Haggled. Paid. Tied to car. Went off in search of food.
- Ate food. Enjoyed the food.
- On the walk back to the car, Mother insisted on using an umbrella, despite the fact that it wasn’t raining. She somehow managed to get my hair caught in it. Painful. Especially when Father started yanking on the umbrella to get it untangled from low branch, not realizing it was affixed to my head.
- Went home. Did nothing.
- Sketched. Got bored.
- Knitted. Got bored.
- Tried to go online. Found that internet connection was being stupid. Gave up.
- Worked on “Men at Arms”. Daydreamed slightly. Envisioned it at Jesuit. Pictured Bern as Nobby, Patrick (right) as Cuddy, Nick (2nd from left) as Carrot, Tom (3rd from right, in brown) as the Patrician, Joanne (far left) as Sibyl, and Colin (left) alternately as Colon and Detritus. Was really, really entertained.
- Remembered obscure fact: very loose knit, spray painted silver, makes theatrical chain mail. Decided to test, using mechanical pencils as needles to make the stitch loose enough. Was amused. (looks much better in real life, because it can be stretched!)
- Brainstormed for Crucible fanfic assignment. Envisioned sending to to fanfiction.net just to blow Xing’s overworked little mind. Reread large parts of the play.
- Sketched “Invader Zim” characters. Badly. Need to practice.
- Finally got online, amused self mostly through links from memepool.
- Ate dinner: leftover pasta.
- Blogged a bit.
- CGed for roughly 30 seconds. Realized I really wasn’t in a CG mood.
- Checked email.
- Started noticing irritating aspects of potential new blog layout. Suggested waiting a few days to implement it, considering pros, cons, and other layout ideas.
- Read a bit.
- Looked at other blogs for inspiration.
- Decided to blog about boredom. Started entry.
- While looking through H2$ photos, found that internet connection had gone wonky again. Became irritated.
- Listened to H2$ cd. Decided that Jeff made a better Finch than Robert Morse. Upon further reflection, egotistically decided that most of our cast members were better than the Broadway cast. Realized I was being stupid. Still held my beliefs.
- And here we are.
By the time you read this, my internet connection will be working again. Now, it’s just waiting to post and publish. Meh.
Do you find this as amusing as I do?
Hey, kiddies! It’s time for Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/Winter Solstice/Atheist-Kids-Get-Presents-Day cards! Email me with your home address if you want a snail mail card or your email address if you want a CGed email card. Seasons Greetings, boyo.